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• Annotated Bibliography of Books on Nudism and Nudity (2011). Provided by the Professors & Researchers Special Interest Group of the Naturist Society

BACHER, K, compiler: 205 Arguments and Observations In Support of Naturism

BRADWELL, Peter, Gemma CRAGGS, Alessandra CAPPUCCINI  and Joana KAMENOVA  (2012). Mobile Internet Censorship: What’s happening and what we can do about it, Open Rights Group and the LSE Media Policy Project

BRITISH NATURISM (2012). Response To The Bailey Report: An Analysis by British Naturism (May 2012)
•  CASTRO, Joyce R. (2003). The Awareness of Social Nudism in Modern Society, Honors Thesis at St, Petersburg Campus, University of South Florida

Christopher Charles (2005). Addressing Nudity: An Inquiry into Performative Nakedness in the Light of Cyberspace, Communication and Creative Industries
FRIEDMAN, Lawrence M. & Joanna L. GROSSMAN. A Private Underworld: The Naked Body in Law and Society, Buffalo Law Review, 61:169-214

•  HABEL, Ylva. (2000).  The Paradoxes of Paradisiac Nudity: Fascist Aesthetics and Medicalised Discourse in the 1930’s Nudist Movement, Health through Nude Culture, The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 12:22

•  HOFFMAN, Brian Scott (2009).  Making Private Parts Public: American Nudism and the Politics of Nakedness, 1929-1963,
Ph.D dissertation, Graduate College, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

KIRKPATRICK, Bill (2010). “It Beats Rocks and Tear Gas”: Streaking and Cultural Politics in the Post-Vietnam Era
, Journal of Popular Cuture, 43:5 (October 2010), 1023-1047

JURDANA, Dora Smolčić, Ines Milohnić and Josipa Cvelić Bonifačić (2009). The Features of the Naturist Camping Market, Tourism and Hospitality Management, 15: 2, 177-192
LENHART, Amanda (2009). Teens and Sexting: How and Why Minor Teens Are Sending Sexually Suggestive Nude or Nearly Nude Images Via Text Messaging, Washington, D.C.: Pew Internet & American Life Project

MAZZIOTTO, Lindsay A. (2011). Trading Clothing for Optimism: A Comparison of the German and American Nudist Movement, MA thesis, Simmons College, Boston, MA

Reality on MTV: Gender Portrayals on MTV Reality Programming, Parents Television Council, undated

TURNER, Fred (2009).
Burning Man at Google: A Cultural Infrastructure for New Media Production, New Media & Society,11 (1&2): 73-94

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